“Indigenous languages are repositories of traditional ecological knowledge, which encompasses a holistic understanding of the environment, including spiritual connections, conservation ethics, and cultural values. – Through their languages, indigenous communities articulate and express their worldviews, cosmologies, and relationships with the natural world. This knowledge is embedded in narratives, myths, songs, and oral traditions, reflecting the intimate bond between indigenous cultures and the environment. – Preserving indigenous languages safeguards this traditional ecological knowledge, enabling future generations to learn from their ancestors’ wisdom and adapt it to contemporary sustainability challenges.” Isaac Christopher, L. (2023). A Right to Protect Indigenous Languages: A Threat Against Extinction.

The documentation of indigenous languages and knowledge forms the basis for further developments in all sectors, such as education, health, social and natural sciences, art and culture, among others. Of outmost significance remains the participation of indigenous communities in the process of documentation ensuring authenticity and overwriting previous biases. Thus a priority is the building of partnerships between indigenous communities and institutions to support documentation and research actions.   


Language standardization and development



Create Phonetics and Phonology resources Linguists, Community language experts
Compile and publish Lexicons (Dictionaries) Linguists, Community language experts
Create Semantic, syntax and spelling standards Linguists, Community language experts

Document so far omitted history and cultural heritage



Record oral testimonies and write up (such as history of Chief Fritz Arebeb) Historians, Cultural org, Community leaders,

Document indigenous knowledge



Establish partnerships between communities and knowledge and information institutions to conduct joint valid and relevant documentation of Indigenous knowledge

Digitalise documentation for further dissemination and access



Encourage the digitalisation of traditional language artefacts (poems, songs, stories,..) Language community
Develop Indigenous language tools

Conduct and document Indigenous language and Indigenous knowledge research



Conduct psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic studies to understand language processing in local contexts Language community
Support publication of scholarly work on research findings on Indigenous language and Indigenous knowledge